Check-in is after 15:00 and check-out is by 12:00 (noon).
*Some rates/packages indicate varying check-in and check-out times, which override standard check-in and check-out hours.
If you are checking-in after 11pm, please let us know in advance.
*Please be aware that we will close the entrance on Aoyama-dori Ave from 0:00 am to 6:30 am, please enter the hotel via the entrance on Stadium Street during those hours.
Our hotel is open 24 hours a day.
There is no curfew. However, please be aware that our entrance on Aoyama-dori Ave (Route 246) will be closed from 0:00 am to 6:30 am, please enter and exit the hotel via the entrance on Stadium Street during those hours.
Free wifi available in all rooms and public areas.
Feel free to leave your luggage with us at the front desk (on the second floor).
You can also send your luggage to us by post in advance, our address is as follows:
2-7-13 Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061
TEL: +81-(0)3-6432-9074
∗ Please make sure that your name on the parcel matches the name of your reservation, and please include your dates of stay in the description line or notification line.
Our cancellation policy is as follows:
for cancellations made 1 day prior to arrival, 20% of the full charges will apply;
for cancellations made on the day of arrival, 80% of the full charges will apply;
for no-shows, 100% of the full charges will apply.
*Some rates/packages indicate varying cancellation policies, which override standard cancellation policy.
For guests staying at the hotel, overnight parking is charged at 3,000 JPY per car (valet parking service included in the price).
Non-guests will be charged ¥2,000 for the first hour and ¥800 per 30 minutes thereafter.
Yes, extra beds can be provided for an additional ¥15,000 per bed.
Yes. Humidifiers are available in every guest room.
Only service dogs (assistance dogs) are allowed to stay at the hotel.
Yes, but we might ask for a proof under certain circumstances.
Hotel Allamanda Aoyama is a non-smoking hotel, please do not smoke in rooms or in public areas at the hotel.
There is a smoking spot on the second floor outside of the hotel close to the parking lot.
Fitness gym and spa are available for guests staying at the hotel.
The pool is offered at 3,300 yen per person per use. However, guests who make reservations through the official website will receive the pool area free of charge.
*Guests using the facilities must be at least 18 years of age;
*Closed: 1st of each month.
*For guests with tattoos, please refrain from using the facilities.
Please contact ALLAMANDA SPA AOYAMA CLUB for more information.
TEL: +81-(0)3-6432-9351
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, and China UnionPay.
If your anniversary is within 14 days of your stay, we offer a free box of chocolates as a gift. And we can arrange flowers, cakes or other items for you with extra charges.
Please be aware that it takes time for us to arrange the flowers, cakes or other items, please contact us in advance.
Mon.-Fri.: 6:30AM - 10:00PM (Last entry 9:00AM)
Sat. Sun. National Holiday: 9:00AM - 9:00PM (Last entry 8:00PM)
Closed: 1st of each month
We have different options available so that you can be sure you get the package that is most suited to you and your needs.
There are three full-fledged memberships: individual male members, individual female members and corporate members.
There are also three options for semi-memberships: family members, partner members and a special package for ladies.
Up to 2 visitors can use the facilities when accompanied by a member. The fee is 4,400 JPY per person.